Sunday 4 December 2016

A Fresh New Start!

Hey there, it's Bluey656 here! A lot of you may know me from Twitter, I am a Gamer and a CP player. For those who knew about this blog before also know that this is the same blog as before, I have drafted the old posts just to have a fresh new start! I had stopped blogging in late 2014 and decided to not start again for a while. Its almost the end of 2016, it's been a long time since I have blogged about CP and today, I said to myself, "Why not start my blog again ?".

With the future official launch of Club Penguin Island, I have changed my blog's name to 'Bluey656's CPI Cheats' from 'Bluey656's CP Cheats'. This blog will only be about Club Penguin Island and not Club Penguin. I really hope you support me and this blog in this fresh new adventure!

Also, I would like to thank @awildj4ck from Twitter and Flippy from Twitter for the amazing CP Relog themed logo of this blog!

With that, I hope you have a great day ahead and stay tuned to this blog for some amazing future posts!

Waddle On!

By: Bluey656

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