Tuesday 20 December 2016

Winner of the 7-Day Membership Raffle!

I thank each and everyone for participating and giving in their previous time in the 7-Day Membership Raffle on this blog! I appreciate it very much! Now, with the winner being disclosed, I don't want anyone to be upset as there will be many opportunities like this in the future.

With that, I would like to congratulate Nina1059 on winning this membership raffle! In order to receive your code, DM me on Twitter - @Bluey656.

The winner was chosen randomly with the gleam.io system, here is a screenshot -

The winner must contact me within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen. Thank you everyone for giving in your time and participating in this raffle, there will be much more opportunities on this blog, stay tuned to this blog for it.

Also, on a side note, I am currently busy with my exams but I will try to post as much as I could in the coming weeks. There will be a 'Guides' page soon on this blog but before that, there are many posts to come, stay tuned for it and I hope you will enjoy reading them!

Waddle On!

By: Bluey656


  1. Great article. Now try to prove that for positive integers a, b the expression (a^2 + b^2)/(ab + 1) is either a fraction or a perfectsquare.
